For those of you in that wide corner of the world > I will be the featured guest teacher this year in Melbourne.
Don´t miss our OPEN DOOR event on Friday September 15th + Sat Sept 16th , Sund Sept 17th Tap Intensive for dancers. beginning level Sat Sept 23rd, Sund Sept 24th Tap Intensive for dancers. inter [...]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. Ne manquez pas notre soirée OPEN DOOR le Vendredi 15 Septembre Ni les stages qui y succèderont. Les Samedi 16 et Dimanche 17 Septembre Intensif [...]
SEPTEMBER 1 to 4 Featuring Ira Bernstein With Tamangoh, Roxane Butterfly, Max Pollak, Nic Gareiss Organized by : Pic Academy of Dance
SEPT 1st – 4th Featuring Ira Bernstein With Tamangoh, Roxane Butterfly, Max Pollak, Nic Gareiss Hosted by Pic Academy of Dance