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March has been quite a spectacular  month to highlight inclusion and inclusive education !
Here is a glimpse into Cie SmARTS noted appearance at UNESCO -Paris, on March 13th, during the celebration of the Salamanca conférence! International Forum on includive education.



This UNESCO event will bring together high-level ministries of education representatives as key partners to foster policy dialogue on how countries are prioritizing and promoting inclusion in education.

Every learner matters and matters equally, this is what inclusion is about. Inclusion calls for transformation – for a paradigm shift in the philosophy and practice of education – away from a “one-size fits all” approach.

Despite significant progress in making education inclusive in the last decade, deep disparities remain. Millions of children and youth are still denied their right to education. Poverty, geographical location, gender, language, disability, ethnicity, migration or displacement status continue to dictate and limit education opportunities.

The Salamanca Statement adopted and widely endorsed at the World Conference organized by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain in Salamanca, Spain in 1994 established the fundamental principle of inclusion at school: “All children should learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have. Inclusive schools must recognize and respond to the diverse needs of their students”. Participants at Salamanca considered the fundamental policy shifts required to promote inclusive education, namely ensuring that schools serve all children, particularly those defined as having special educational needs.

Since then, the concept of inclusion has broadened, emphasizing the need to reach all learners, under the assumption that every learner matters equally and has the right to receive relevant, equitable and effective educational opportunities.


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Image et Lien expoTribute to Cobi Narita by Roxane Butterfly and Zuly